GMO: Our Food is Making Our Nation Sick
Genetically Modified Foods: Why So Many of Our Children Have Behavioral Problems & Why There is a Rise of Allergies and Chronic Disease
Genetic engineering is the process of adding a gene from another species into your target genome. Spider genes have been inserted into goats to make bullet-proof vests. Cow genes have been inserted into pigs so the pigs have cow hides. 88% of corn produced in the US and 96% of soy are genetically modified. Canola and alfalfa crops are also genetically modified.
Since the mid 1990’s when GE crops were introduced, we have seen nationwide increases in GI diseases, inflammation, leaky gut, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, allergies, eczema, birth defects, infertility, autism, autoimmune diseases…
GE foods cause mutations through all of the DNA, not just the one gene they changed! There are unknown side effects when you dramatically change the DNA like this.
Genetic Engineering of our food supply has taken place without our knowing. Moreover, the science to support the health of this process, does NOT validate the health or safety of eating genetically modified plants.
A 10 year long feeding study conducted in Norway is now showing that there are significant changes to the GI tract of animals that eat GMO foods. ( July 11, 2012)
The U.S. and Canada are the only 2 major countries that do not require GMO labeling!
There is a positive link between obesity, gut health, and GMO corn. (
BT crops: These genes are found in the DNA of the bacteria that live in our colons. The bacteria continue to produce bt toxin in our intestines even after we’ve stopped eating that food!
In roundup ready crops (corn and soy), scientists have discovered a new organism that is not a virus, not a bacteria, but known to cause infertility in animals.
WIC and government programs: only hand out GMO foods because they are cheaper (and subsidized by the government). Well why don’t they subsidize organic produce? Millions more would choose organic if the option was less expensive. Wouldn’t you?
Why do we even have GMOs? It’s Monsanto’s mission for every crop in America to be genetically modified, and to sell the seeds and pesticides that farmers will need to buy each year (because GM crops do not produce fertile seeds!). The topic of GMOs is about chemical companies selling chemicals, not about the health or better yield of our food!
Choose organic food or look for the GMO-Project Verified Label on products for the assurance that what you are eating is not genetically modified!