Archive for the ‘Fertility and Pregnancy’ Category

Clear out your body’s toxins for more energy and better overall health

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

Not only are we exposed to external environmental toxins (air pollution, pesticides, heavy metals…), we are also exposed to our own internal toxins produced by the body.  These toxins are often not neutralized and excreted from the body, but rather stored in the fat cells.  When the body is under stress, it can release these toxins into the blood stream where they can wreak havoc on many other places in the body, causing inflammation and burdening the liver.

So how do you know if you are toxic? Do you suffer from headaches, excess weight, muscle/joint pain, food allergies, depression, insomnia, fatigue, asthma, body odor, or acne/eczema? If so, your body is trying to tell you that it is out of balance and these matters need to be addressed before they become serious health conditions.


Probiotics Help Bolster Immunity and Support Overall Wellness

Monday, December 31st, 2012

Did you know that you have about 3-4lbs of microorganisms in your colon that you cannot survive without?  These symbiotic microorganisms are intimately linked with your wellness.

Your  diet, medications, lifestyle, environment and shape the composition of the different microbial communities in your GI tract and body.  The microflora in the intestine has even been collectively considered an organ because of their ability to support the immune system, regulate intestinal health, support healthy metabolism, and contribute to overall health and wellness.


Pregnancy Nutrition: before, during, and after the baby

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Nutritional Guidelines For Those Thinking of Pregnancy

Recent research has discovered the nutrient environment of a growing fetus and baby significantly impacts genetic expression. Overall health and risk of disease are in part dependent on the mother’s health and nutrient intake before, during, and after pregnancy.  Just as nutrition is important to growing kids and adults, so to is it critical for the first weeks, months, and years of development.  (more…)