
Are you looking for a nutritionist to come speak at your workplace, to your friends and family, or for any social gathering? Contact Katherine for more information about how you can help educate your employees, family and friends about the healing power of natural living.  

Upcoming Events:

Essential Nutrition for Pregnancy Workshop

September 27th, 2014

In this experiential workshop Nutritionist, Katherine Leonard, MS, NC, shows what nutrients you need for a healthy wholesome pregnancy and when they are optimal for your baby’s development. Katherine explains what the essential foods and herbs are and sheds light on what to avoid in pregnancy with a focus on specific environmental toxins.

The class wraps up with sampling a simple tasty smoothie and nutritive herbal tea.



Previous Events:

 Environmental Nutrition Webinar: Clean Living in a Toxic World

September 3rd, 2013
4pm PDT

The environment around us is disrupting the environment within us. Find out how to remove toxins from your daily life and how to nourish your body to gain and maintain health!

Taking Care of Your Diabetes Conference: March 8, 2013

Katherine was one of the featured nutritionists at the Healthy Initiative Tour sponsored by Shire Regenerative Medicine. Partnered with celebrity chef, Charles Mattocks, Katherine answered questions about eating and living well with diabetes.


USD Food Day Sustainability Expo: October 24, 2012

Katherine went to UCSD’s Food Day Expo to share with the local community about the benefits of eating organic, local, whole foods!


August 21, 2012 at the Boys and Girls Club in Solana Beach

Holistic Nourishment went to the swim team at Rancho San Dieguito Boys and Girls Club.  Katherine presented on the value of healthy eating, especially for athletes.


July 28, 2012 at Whole Foods

Katherine prepared a Veggie Stir-Fry and a Sweet Potato Curry at an outdoors cooking demonstration at Whole Foods.

July 7, 2012 at the Carlsbad Health & Wellness Expo

Holistic Nourishment went to the Carlsbad Health and Wellness Expo. It was a great way to get out into the community and spread some healthy living!