Archive for the ‘Diseases and Condtions’ Category
The Cost of Chronic Disease
Monday, July 1st, 2013
and how we can regain control of our health through natural living
Recently I found a great article about how expensive healthcare is for the U.S. and the world. I wanted to share with you some highlights from the article about how many people in the world are not well. You can find the full article here: (more…)
Tags: chronic disease, lifestyle, non-toxic, organic
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Educational | Comments Off
What are hormones and how do they affect our health?
Tuesday, May 7th, 2013
Hormones determine how we feel! They are powerful molecules essential for maintaining physical and mental health. We frequently think of estrogen as being a female hormone, and testosterone as a male hormone. But men and women make and use both! Plus there are several others that affect health. An imbalance of any one hormone can throw your physical and mental health out of balance, causing aggravating and potentially serious health problems.
One size does not fit all when it comes to hormones! Your hormones are like your fingerprints, unique to you. In order to be optimally healthy, you need to know if you have any imbalances. (more…)
Tags: acne, estrogen, fatigue, hormone testing, hormones, low energy, mood swings, saliva testing
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Educational | Comments Off
Reverse Multiple Sclerosis by eating the Paleo Diet, increasing vitamin D, and avoiding artificial food additives
Monday, December 3rd, 2012
Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, degenerative disease of the nerves in the brain and spine. The disease causes the body to attack an insulating substance around nerve cells called myelin. When the myelin is damaged, the function of the nerves deteriorate, resulting in symptoms such as muscle weakness, imbalance or loss of coordination, vision loss, and tremors. Research is now showing that the disease can be reversed by adopting a paleolithic diet (primarily meat, veggies, and nuts), optimizing vitamin D levels, and avoiding artificial ingredients, especially aspartame.
While the exact cause of MS is still largely unknown, it is now understood that environmental factors play a large role in the development of this degenerative disease. Diet is one of the most important ways for individuals with MS to control and reverse their disease. The Paleo Diet, consisting of organic, whole foods from grass-fed meats, vegetables (sea and land), fermented foods, and nuts, is packed with nutrients that protect the nervous system and immune system. The Paleo Diet is high in B vitamins, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids (animal based EPA and DHA) that support myelin growth and repair.
Tags: aspartame, methanol, multiple sclerosis, paleo diet, vitamin D
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Nutrients and Foods, Nutrition | Comments Off
Minerals for Blood Sugar Regulation
Monday, November 5th, 2012
Are You Mineral Deficient?
Minerals are crucial elements of the biological processes that govern blood sugar metabolism in the body. Individuals with blood sugar imbalances and diabetes often exhibit mineral deficiencies and have a weakened ability to regulate glucose levels. Supplementing with high quality, bioavailable minerals improves the body’s ability to modulate glucose levels and can be extremely therapeutic for individuals with deficiencies.
To reduce inflammation and oxidative damage, key antioxidants and minerals are key to fighting these inflammatory and destructive reactions. Therefore, individuals with mineral deficiencies should supplement their diet in order to restore optimal vitamin and mineral levels, thus controlling oxidative damage and inflammation. Minerals are especially important for reducing the occurrence of comorbid conditions common in diabetic individuals such as pancreatic insufficiency, renal disease, neuropathy, and retinopathy.
Minerals are also required for proper insulin function. Insulin is the hormone that brings blood glucose into cells and therefore lowers blood glucose levels. Of primary importance to glucose metabolism, inflammation, free radical scavenging, and immune health are the minerals zinc, magnesium, chromium, manganese, vanandium, and copper. 

Tags: blood sugar regulation, diabetes, minerals
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Health Science, Nutrition, Self-Check, Sugar | Comments Off
The Gut-Brain Connection: Nutrition and Mental Health
Monday, October 15th, 2012
Food has a Direct Effect on our Mental Health
The gut-brain connection is a very real and very active line of communication and analysis in the body. There are over 100 million neurons in the digestive system that produce as many neurotransmitters as the brain (Holford, 2009, p.16)! Our brain and gut are in constant communication, which is why foods have a direct effect on our moods and behaviors.
Tags: behavior disorders, food allergies, inflammation, mental health, migraines, serotonin
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Food Allergies, Nutrition | Comments Off
Saturday, September 29th, 2012
Genetically Modified Foods: Why So Many of Our Children Have Behavioral Problems & Why There is a Rise of Allergies and Chronic Disease
Genetic engineering is the process of adding a gene from another species into your target genome. Spider genes have been inserted into goats to make bullet-proof vests. Cow genes have been inserted into pigs so the pigs have cow hides. 88% of corn produced in the US and 96% of soy are genetically modified. Canola and alfalfa crops are also genetically modified.
Since the mid 1990’s when GE crops were introduced, we have seen nationwide increases in GI diseases, inflammation, leaky gut, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, allergies, eczema, birth defects, infertility, autism, autoimmune diseases…
Tags: corn, GMO, monsanto, prop 37, soy
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Do's and Don'ts, Educational, Health Science, In Touch with Nature, The Environment | No Comments »
Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Holistic Approach
Tuesday, July 24th, 2012
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease is a condition in which the body’s immune system dysfunctions and confuses “self” with “non-self.” The immune system begins attacking the body’s own cells. Any tissue or organ of the body can be targeted. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder that primarily effects synovial joints of the body (i.e. hands, shoulder, knee, elbow). The disorder involves a deterioration of healthy synovial fluid in between bones, leading to a painful inflammatory response in the affected joint and can often lead to systemic inflammation over time (William C. Shiel Jr., 2011).
Tags: autoimmune diseases, inflammation, pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Food Allergies, Nutrition | Comments Off
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome of the muscles that affects major control areas of the body and can therefore manifest as a myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms. People have widespread pain in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue areas. In addition to pain, people with fibromyalgia also suffer from digestive problems and insomnia.
Tags: chronic fatigue, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, pain
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Nutrition, Self-Check | Comments Off
Osteoporosis: The Holistic Approach to Strong Bones
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
Bones cycle through periods of growth and breakdown throughout the course of your life. By our mid-20’s bones begin to lose their ability to regrow and are more prone to breaking down.
What Leads To Osteoporosis?
Eating an acidic, inflammatory diet including caffeine, alcohol, soda, refined sugar, processed foods, a high-salt diet, a meat-based (high protein) diet, and a low vegetable diet can all contribute to bone thinning. Eating foods you are allergic to can also lead to bone loss because your gastrointestinal system will be inflamed and have increased permeability (more, larger molecules and pathogens can pass undigested into the blood stream) which in turn increases the acidity of the blood and draws alkaline nutrients out of the bone. Moreover, malabsorption can lead to nutrient deficiencies that can inhibit bone regrowth.
Tags: alkaline, bones, osteoporosis, plant-based diet
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Do's and Don'ts, Educational, Food Allergies, Health Science, Nutrition | Comments Off
Stressed Out & Tired?
Monday, May 14th, 2012
You May Have Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal Fatigue is a result of prolonged stress. When you have high stress levels for a long time, your body can no longer sustain itself and you may feel tired, depressed, apathetic, and overwhelmed. Stress can come from your job, lifestyle, food allergies, or from environmental toxins.
Tags: achy, adrenal fatigue, apathetic, depression, fatigue, insomnia, lazy, stress, tired
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Self-Check | Comments Off
The immune system in your gut…
Saturday, January 21st, 2012
How Important is My Gastrointestinal System?
Your gastrointestinal system has 4 functions. The first three are related to nutrient intake: digestion, absorption, and excretion. The 4th function however, is related to protecting your body from the external environment. The intestinal wall, along with your lungs, skin, eyes, ears, and nose, are barriers that defend your body from pathogens and toxic particles in the air we breathe, the objects we touch, and food we eat. The lining of your intestinal tract, your tonsils, appendix and lymph nodes are collectively referred to as your Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). These tissues and associated processes comprise roughly 60-70% of your immune system! (more…)
Tags: food allergies, gastrointestinal system, immune system, inflammation, leaky gut, liver
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Food Allergies, Health Science, The Environment | No Comments »
Carbohydrate Digestion, Blood Sugar, and Insulin
Saturday, November 19th, 2011
What happens when you digest carbohydrates? How does that affect my blood sugar levels? And what is insulin? If you or someone you know is suffering with diabetes, understanding the condition and learning how to modulate insulin levels is key to reversing illness and restoring health. (more…)
Tags: amylase, blood sugar, diabetes, glucagon, glucose, insulin
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Health Science, Sugar | No Comments »
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Sunday, October 23rd, 2011
Do you have food allergies, digestive distress, environmental toxicity, acne, or eczema? You may have a leaky gut! Read more to learn what happened and how to heal yourself. (more…)
Tags: antioxidants, leaky gut, probiotics
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Educational, Food Allergies, Health Science, Nutrition, The Environment | No Comments »