Archive for the ‘Self-Check’ Category
Minerals for Blood Sugar Regulation
Monday, November 5th, 2012
Are You Mineral Deficient?
Minerals are crucial elements of the biological processes that govern blood sugar metabolism in the body. Individuals with blood sugar imbalances and diabetes often exhibit mineral deficiencies and have a weakened ability to regulate glucose levels. Supplementing with high quality, bioavailable minerals improves the body’s ability to modulate glucose levels and can be extremely therapeutic for individuals with deficiencies.
To reduce inflammation and oxidative damage, key antioxidants and minerals are key to fighting these inflammatory and destructive reactions. Therefore, individuals with mineral deficiencies should supplement their diet in order to restore optimal vitamin and mineral levels, thus controlling oxidative damage and inflammation. Minerals are especially important for reducing the occurrence of comorbid conditions common in diabetic individuals such as pancreatic insufficiency, renal disease, neuropathy, and retinopathy.
Minerals are also required for proper insulin function. Insulin is the hormone that brings blood glucose into cells and therefore lowers blood glucose levels. Of primary importance to glucose metabolism, inflammation, free radical scavenging, and immune health are the minerals zinc, magnesium, chromium, manganese, vanandium, and copper. 

Tags: blood sugar regulation, diabetes, minerals
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Health Science, Nutrition, Self-Check, Sugar | Comments Off
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome of the muscles that affects major control areas of the body and can therefore manifest as a myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms. People have widespread pain in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue areas. In addition to pain, people with fibromyalgia also suffer from digestive problems and insomnia.
Tags: chronic fatigue, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, pain
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Nutrition, Self-Check | Comments Off
Stressed Out & Tired?
Monday, May 14th, 2012
You May Have Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal Fatigue is a result of prolonged stress. When you have high stress levels for a long time, your body can no longer sustain itself and you may feel tired, depressed, apathetic, and overwhelmed. Stress can come from your job, lifestyle, food allergies, or from environmental toxins.
Tags: achy, adrenal fatigue, apathetic, depression, fatigue, insomnia, lazy, stress, tired
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Self-Check | Comments Off
Calculating Caloric Needs
Sunday, January 8th, 2012
Calculating your caloric needs is in part based on you Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy (calories) needed to keep a person alive. That includes a person’s heart beat, lungs movements, brain function, tissue processes, and body temperature. When a person exerts themselves beyond these basic measures energy expenditure increases. Even intensely exercising for a short amount of time can increase caloric needs. The quantity and quality of food you eat, water you consume, and heat your body produces all affect your BMR. (more…)
Tags: basal metabolic rate, Caloric needs, energy expenditure
Posted in Educational, Nutrition, Self-Check | No Comments »
Acid and Anabolic, Neutral, or Alkaline and Catabolic?
Saturday, November 12th, 2011
The food you eat, the meals you prepare, and the overall dietary system you follow can be classified in a particular dietary direction. Dietary direction indicates where on the continuum a particular food, meal, or diet lands: anabolic and acidic, neutral, or catabolic and alkaline. The direction is an indication of the food’s metabolic effect on your body, not of the food itself. Dietary direction is largely influenced by your distribution of the macronutrients carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Alkaline, catabolic diets are very cleansing and very high in carbohydrates. A neutral diet has a more balanced macronutrient distribution. Acidic, anabolic diets contain lots of protein and are building and restorative diets.
Tags: acidic, alkaline, anabolic, catabolic, cleanse, detox
Posted in Nutrition, Self-Check | No Comments »
Are your gut bacteria in balance?
Friday, October 21st, 2011
Maintaining a healthy balance of gut microflora is the key to efficient digestion and overall health. Dysbiosis is a condition when your healthy gut flora have been compromised and overtaken by disease-causing microbes. Food allergies, the overconsumption of refined sugars and flours and processed foods, use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, hypoacidity of the stomach, excessive consumption of alcohol, or the overconsumption of carbohydrates and fiber can lead to dysbiosis. (more…)
Tags: dysbiosis, leaky gut, microflora, prebiotics, probiotics
Posted in Educational, Food Allergies, Self-Check | No Comments »
Testing Your Digestive Wellness
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011
Testing your digestive wellness is a great way to assess the efficiency of your metabolism. Healing your intestinal tract will clear up digestive problems as well as other issues such as joint pain, allergies, inflammation, even acne. (more…)
Tags: avoid dairy, digestion, fiber, food allergies, probiotics, transit time
Posted in Food Allergies, Self-Check | No Comments »
What’s Your Blood Type?
Saturday, October 15th, 2011
People generally focus on the characteristics of food-what makes them healthy and what makes them not. But what if your own body’s characteristics are just as important in determining the “healthiness” of a food? Dr. D’Adamo was one of the first believers in this concept. Find out why your blood type matters when it comes to what foods are healthy for you! (more…)
Tags: biochemical individuality, eating for your blood type, food allergies, genetics, lectin
Posted in Food Allergies, Self-Check | No Comments »