Archive for the ‘Nutrients and Foods’ Category
Health Benefits of Cilantro
Monday, March 3rd, 2014
Cilantro as a Powerful Detoxifying Herb
Cilantro is not only a potent flavor enhancer in your meals, but also a powerful herb full of nutrients that support your body in metabolizing toxins and maintaining health!
Recent research studies have confirmed cilantro reduces cholesterol and oxidative damage, while also regulating blood pressure. Research also suggests that the volatile oils found in cilantro leaves may have antimicrobial properties.
Cilantro can help mobilize toxins (most notably heavy metals like mercury) out of storage and into the blood stream so that the body can excrete them. The chemical compounds in cilantro actually bind to the heavy metals, loosening them from the tissues, blood and organs. Cilantro’s chemical compounds then aid to transport these harmful substances out of the body through elimination. (more…)
Tags: anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant, chelate heavy metals, cilantro, detoxification, digestive support, liver support, volatile oils
Posted in Nutrients and Foods, Nutrition | Comments Off
Bone Broth for Wellness
Wednesday, January 8th, 2014
Nourish your gut, your bones, your energy, and your mind with this superfood!
Bone broth is a mineral-rich infusion made by boiling bones, vegetables, and spices. It is a very affordable and nutrient dense food. It strengthens the immune system, digestive system, and adrenal glands. It is high in minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and iron. These minerals along with the amino acids (proline and glycine) and fatty acids present in bone broth can support hair, skin, and nail health as well as bolster joint health. Glycine plays an important role in DNA synthesis and muscle repair. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, influences neurotransmitter levels to promote calmness and reduced stress, and it is involved in detoxification. Proline is another amino acid present in bone broth that is involved in connective tissue health and helps protect blood vessels from cholesterol buildup. Homemade bone broth is not only beneficial when you’re feeling sick, but also for every day wellness.
Tags: bone broth, minerals, superfood
Posted in Nutrients and Foods, Recipes | Comments Off
Top 5 Supplements for Whole Wellness
Monday, April 1st, 2013
One of the most common questions I get from my clients is about supplements. Do we need to take them? What brand? How do I know what to take? What supplements are good for general wellness?
I have listed 5 great supplements that can provide a foundational support for your health. However, you may need different or additional nutrients, depending on your unique health status, history, and environment. (more…)
Tags: cod liver oil, curcumin, fish oil, green powder, high quality, multivitamin, probiotics, supplements, whole foods
Posted in Nutrients and Foods, Nutrition | Comments Off
To Eat Meat or Not to Eat Meat?
Tuesday, January 8th, 2013
Recently one of my clients asked me my thoughts on both the vegan diet (plant-only) and the GAPS diet, which is an omnivorous diet for restoring mental health, immune health, and digestive health. It was such a great question I thought I would elucidate my comments in this article. Here are my thoughts:
There is no diet that is right for all people, because everyone is different, with different histories, different lifestyles and exercise practices, and different environments (the holistic approach considers all of these factors). Different life stages and health conditions call for different nutrient needs as well, so changing the diet throughout life is also key to optimal health! (more…)
Tags: omnivorous, organic, plant based, vegan diet, whole foods
Posted in Do's and Don'ts, Food Allergies, Nutrients and Foods, Nutrition, The Environment | Comments Off
Reverse Multiple Sclerosis by eating the Paleo Diet, increasing vitamin D, and avoiding artificial food additives
Monday, December 3rd, 2012
Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, degenerative disease of the nerves in the brain and spine. The disease causes the body to attack an insulating substance around nerve cells called myelin. When the myelin is damaged, the function of the nerves deteriorate, resulting in symptoms such as muscle weakness, imbalance or loss of coordination, vision loss, and tremors. Research is now showing that the disease can be reversed by adopting a paleolithic diet (primarily meat, veggies, and nuts), optimizing vitamin D levels, and avoiding artificial ingredients, especially aspartame.
While the exact cause of MS is still largely unknown, it is now understood that environmental factors play a large role in the development of this degenerative disease. Diet is one of the most important ways for individuals with MS to control and reverse their disease. The Paleo Diet, consisting of organic, whole foods from grass-fed meats, vegetables (sea and land), fermented foods, and nuts, is packed with nutrients that protect the nervous system and immune system. The Paleo Diet is high in B vitamins, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids (animal based EPA and DHA) that support myelin growth and repair.
Tags: aspartame, methanol, multiple sclerosis, paleo diet, vitamin D
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Nutrients and Foods, Nutrition | Comments Off
Mercury Levels in Fish: Are They Safe to Eat?
Thursday, November 29th, 2012
With the ever increasing toxicity of this planet’s oceans, plus last year’s Fukushima’s radiation disaster, all fish from every ocean will soon be contaminated with radiation. So I do not recommend consuming fish frequently, at most once or twice a week. You should also be concerned with any seaweeds, chlorella or spirulina that you consume, as these aquatic plants are also at risk of radiation and heavy metal toxicity.
Mercury is a major concerning contaminant in fish. As a general rule, larger fish contain higher levels of toxins because they eat smaller fish and assimilate those toxins in their own tissues. This process is called biomagnification and it holds true for all animals.
If you are taking fish oils, beware of the quality of your product. Often, supplements contain high levels of mercury and other heavy metals. Nordic Naturals is a high quality company that purifies their fish oils so well that their products contain at least 10 times less contamination than the EPA’s allowable limits.
Tags: chlorella, cod liver oil, fish, fish oil, mercury, omega-3 fatty acids, radiation, supplements
Posted in Do's and Don'ts, Nutrients and Foods, The Environment | Comments Off
The Holistic Guide to Vitamin D
Tuesday, November 27th, 2012
Vitamin D: Is Your Deficiency an Obstacle in Your Health?

Vitamin D is actually a prohormone that is critically important for the development, growth, and maintenance of a healthy body. It activates hundreds of genes that promote health and reduce your risk of getting any chronic disease.
It is produced in the skin when exposed to UVB light. UVA radiation penetrates deeper into the skin and causes wrinkles and damages DNA. On average, getting 15 minutes of sunlight at least a couple of times a week, will keep your vitamin D levels in a normal range.
Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and algae have the capacity to produce vitamin D. However, most animal and plant foods we consume do not contain vitamin D. Sunlight is the natural way of getting our vitamin D.
Tags: sunlight, UVB radiation, vitamin D
Posted in Nutrients and Foods, The Environment | Comments Off
Ghee: a Healthier Way to Eat Butter!
Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

Ghee is a form of butter that is an integral part of traditional Indian cuisine. It is clarified butter, which means that the water and milk solids (mostly proteins) have been boiled off and removed, leaving just the rich, golden butterfat.
Ghee can be part of your nourishing lifestyle too! Just make sure you choose the high-quality organic version, made from pasture-fed cows. (more…)
Tags: allergy, butter, casein, ghee, healthy fat
Posted in Nutrients and Foods | Comments Off
Saturday, September 29th, 2012
What do you eat to support your body as the temperatures get cooler?
As the leaves turn, the air crisps, and we break out the heavier jackets, scarves, and boots, we realize fall is upon us. Nourishing your body with warming, building foods can help you adapt to the cooler temperatures and decreased sunlight.
Eating organic, locally grown produce that is in season is the very best way to support your health. Do you know what foods produce fruit in the fall months?
Tags: Fall, Seasonal eating, Squash
Posted in In Touch with Nature, Nutrients and Foods, The Environment | No Comments »
Get The Most Out of Your Grains
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012
What is the key to maximizing the nutrient content in your whole grains? Soaking and sprouting!
If you think about what a grain is, you will realize that grains are seeds, waiting to be buried, watered, and grow into a new plant. Seeds and legumes (beans, nuts) may also develop into a full grown plant. But why don’t the grains start growing? What is keeping them from germinating? (more…)
Tags: anti-nutrients, sprouting, whole grains
Posted in Do's and Don'ts, Educational, Nutrients and Foods | Comments Off
What’s in your ice cream?
Monday, December 12th, 2011
These days, most ice creams are full of toxic additives. Ice cream manufacturers are not required by law to list the additives used in their products. Independent testing has discovered some toxic chemicals in ice cream that don’t appear on the ingredient list. What else are they hiding?
Tags: celtic sea salt, low-glycemic dessert, toxic additives
Posted in Do's and Don'ts, Educational, Nutrients and Foods | No Comments »
Coenzyme Q10 levels reduced with age and the use of statins
Sunday, December 11th, 2011
Feeling tired all the time? Stressed? Feeling “old”? Your body may be deficient in this major cellular antioxidant!
Tags: atherosclerosis, beta-blockers, coenzymeQ10, heart disease, statins
Posted in Nutrients and Foods | 4 Comments »