Archive for the ‘In Touch with Nature’ Category
Value of Living Healthfully
Monday, March 31st, 2014
non-toxic lifestyle
If you eat right, you will thrive

What Does it Mean to Eat Right?
Organic Whole Foods: Quality Matters
- Produce: in season is best
- Meat: pasture-fed, cage-free eggs, wild caught fish
5-6 Smaller Meals Each Day (eat breakfast!)
- Keep blood sugars (energy) stable
- Always eat protein or fat at every meal/snack
10+ Cups of CLEAN Water
- If your urine isn’t clear, drink more
- Never go anywhere without a reusable water bottle
Address Digestive Issues
- GI tract is our connection with the external world (how food becomes energy)
- Digestive problems indicate there is something not right with what you are eating
- 70% of your immune system is in your gut
- Digestive issues can lead to nutrient deficiencies and poor athletic performance
Avoid Food Allergens
- Dairy, gluten (wheat), soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish
- Allergens weaken your immune system, destroy your intestines
- Weak intestines leads to toxic molecules entering your body and making you sick
Tags: granola, grass-fed, healthy fats, organic, smoothie, sustainably farmed, whole foods
Posted in Do's and Don'ts, Educational, In Touch with Nature, Nutrition, Recipes | Comments Off
Mullein and Garlic Oil: Home Remedy for Earaches
Sunday, March 30th, 2014
Are you or your kids suffering from earaches or ear infections? Are you looking for a non-toxic home remedy that will both reduce pain and kill the infection? Garlic and mullein oil is a great alternative to prescription ear drops. Garlic is a potent anti-microbial that combats the infection and provides pain relief. Mullein flowers have demonstrated antiviral actions as well as being successful in reducing inflammation, softening earwax, stimulating circulation in the ear, and also calming the auditory nerves thereby easing irritation and pain in the ear. Ear infections can be painful and uncomfortable, but this natural herbal remedy will support the body and help it heal. (more…)
Tags: ear infections, earaches, herbal medicine, mullein garlic oil, natural remedies, oil infusion
Posted in Do's and Don'ts, In Touch with Nature, Nutrition | Comments Off
Digestive Wellness Herbs
Thursday, March 27th, 2014
There are many herbs for nourishing the digestive system. Use this guide to find the right plants that will help your body cleanse and repair.
These soothing, anti-inflammatory herbs help support the mucus membrane that lines your intestines, thereby promoting intestinal integrity and supporting the body’s defense against pathogens and disease.
Marshmallow, slippery elm, plantain, comfrey, irish moss
Indications: acid reflex, gastritis, peptic ulceration, enteritis, colitis
Cautions: congestive bronchial or excess mucous conditions
Tags: digestion, herbal medicine, plant-based medicine
Posted in In Touch with Nature, Nutrition | Comments Off
The Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils
Monday, November 4th, 2013
Essential Oils for Health and Wellness
Essential oils were first used in the early 1900′s for their antimicrobial effects and calming effects on the mind. The inhaled aroma from these “essential” oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function. Essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin, where they travel through the bloodstream and can promote whole-body healing.
Essential oils are distilled from the leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, tops, or fruits of plants. Essential oils are natural, aromatic products that have a wide range of antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects. They are healthier for you than fragrances. Synthetic fragrances attempt to mimic the aroma of an essential oil or the aroma of a plant that doesn’t have an essential oil (an apple for example), or to create an entirely new scent. the chemical compounds of fragrances are often harmful to humans, especially to children. Essential oils on the other hand are all natural and safe for all ages. (more…)
Tags: aromatherapy, essential oils, lavender, peppermint, tea tree
Posted in Do's and Don'ts, In Touch with Nature | Comments Off
Saturday, September 29th, 2012
Genetically Modified Foods: Why So Many of Our Children Have Behavioral Problems & Why There is a Rise of Allergies and Chronic Disease
Genetic engineering is the process of adding a gene from another species into your target genome. Spider genes have been inserted into goats to make bullet-proof vests. Cow genes have been inserted into pigs so the pigs have cow hides. 88% of corn produced in the US and 96% of soy are genetically modified. Canola and alfalfa crops are also genetically modified.
Since the mid 1990’s when GE crops were introduced, we have seen nationwide increases in GI diseases, inflammation, leaky gut, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, allergies, eczema, birth defects, infertility, autism, autoimmune diseases…
Tags: corn, GMO, monsanto, prop 37, soy
Posted in Diseases and Condtions, Do's and Don'ts, Educational, Health Science, In Touch with Nature, The Environment | No Comments »
Saturday, September 29th, 2012
What do you eat to support your body as the temperatures get cooler?
As the leaves turn, the air crisps, and we break out the heavier jackets, scarves, and boots, we realize fall is upon us. Nourishing your body with warming, building foods can help you adapt to the cooler temperatures and decreased sunlight.
Eating organic, locally grown produce that is in season is the very best way to support your health. Do you know what foods produce fruit in the fall months?
Tags: Fall, Seasonal eating, Squash
Posted in In Touch with Nature, Nutrients and Foods, The Environment | No Comments »
What’s Growing in Your Garden?
Thursday, June 7th, 2012
Home gardens are a great, fun hobby during the summer months. If you could grow your own food, what would you grow?
I really want tomatoes! But the two times I’ve tried to germinate the seeds, they have failed to sprout. I think I’m going to have to buy established seedlings if I’m going to want to grow tomatoes.
It’s been pretty cold this past month, so the seedlings of the plants that did sprout have not grown too much. The peas were the fastest out of the seed, bursting up quickly, and still growing tall.
Tags: home garden, organic produce
Posted in In Touch with Nature | Comments Off
Clean, Nutritious Produce From the Farmer’s Market
Tuesday, June 5th, 2012
Every Sunday I head to the Farmer’s Market in Encinitas. I joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and receive a box of local, fresh-picked, organic produce each week.
It’s a great way to support dedicated organic farmers and receive the healthiest, cleanest produce possible!
This week, the first week of June, the box contains a delicious array of seasonal fruits and vegetables. I can’t wait to steam the beans and sauté the greens in veggie broth. Once the veggies are lightly cooked, I spray olive oil, and add lemon juice and a dash of salt and pepper. It’s so quick and easy to eat healthy!
Tags: CSA, farmer's market, organic food, pesticide-free, produce
Posted in In Touch with Nature, The Environment | Comments Off
Starting Your Own Home Garden
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012
Last weekend I embraced the Spring season and started planting my own garden. I can’t wait to have fresh, home-grown vegetables!
These vegetables will be even more nutritious than the produce you can buy at the grocery store because I can pick them and eat them within 5 minutes! They don’t have to travel 5-10 days to reach me.
Growing your own food is a great way to minimize toxic exposure and cut down on food costs. It’s great for the environment, it makes your home/yard look great, and it’s FUN!
Tags: grown your own food, home garden
Posted in In Touch with Nature, The Environment | Comments Off
Spring is Coming: How to Prepare Your Body For Warmer Weather
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012
It is in the mid-60s here in Chicago today and the first time in a long time that I am not wearing multiple sweatshirts!
As my skin breathes again, I am reminded of why Spring is a great time to cleanse my body after the winter. The sun is out, I can feel it’s warmth, the cool wind lifts away toxins, sweat, and dead skin cells. Our skin is the largest organ on our bodies, and a critical barrier between our body and the external environment.
Tags: 7 Day Detox, cleanse, Seasonal eating
Posted in In Touch with Nature | Comments Off
5 Tips From the Integrative Health Symposium
Monday, February 13th, 2012
I just got back from the 2012 Integrative Health Symposium held in NYC. This three day conference was an opportunity for medical doctors, naturopaths, nurses, nutritionists, and other health care professionals to share knowledge about functional medicine and work to educate people how to live healthier lives.
The 5 most notable messages of the conference were:
Tags: environmental toxins, organic, plant-based diet, sustainable, whole foods
Posted in Do's and Don'ts, In Touch with Nature | No Comments »
Eating With the Season
Monday, October 17th, 2011
Fall is here and winter is coming! Eating foods that thrive in this fall season is a great way to prepare your body for the coming winter. The plants that grow in this transitional season have the right balance of nutrients to survive the cooler temperatures. Some foods, like spinach beets, and carrots, actually taste sweeter after a night’s frost! Eating locally adds to the benefits-the plants are experiencing the same climate changes and therefore are most attuned to your body’s needs. Going to the farmer’s market to buy organic produce from your local farmers, or joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) will connect you with your food and nourish both you and the environment. (more…)
Tags: CSA, eating seasonally, farmer's market
Posted in In Touch with Nature, The Environment | No Comments »