Archive for the ‘Nutrition’ Category

Value of Living Healthfully

Monday, March 31st, 2014

non-toxic lifestyle

If you eat right, you will thrive

What Does it Mean to Eat Right?

  • Organic Whole Foods: Quality Matters
    • Produce: in season is best
    • Meat: pasture-fed, cage-free eggs, wild caught fish
    • 5-6 Smaller Meals Each Day (eat breakfast!)
      • Keep blood sugars (energy) stable
      • Always eat protein or fat at every meal/snack
      • 10+ Cups of CLEAN Water
        • If your urine isn’t clear, drink more
        • Never go anywhere without a reusable water bottle
        • Address Digestive Issues
          • GI tract is our connection with the external world (how food becomes energy)
          • Digestive problems indicate there is something not right with what you are eating
          • 70% of your immune system is in your gut
          • Digestive issues can lead to nutrient deficiencies and poor athletic performance
          • Avoid Food Allergens
            • Dairy, gluten (wheat), soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish
            • Allergens weaken your immune system, destroy your intestines
            • Weak intestines leads to toxic molecules entering your body and making you sick


Mullein and Garlic Oil: Home Remedy for Earaches

Sunday, March 30th, 2014

Are you or your kids suffering from earaches or ear infections? Are you looking for a non-toxic home remedy that will both reduce pain and kill the infection? Garlic and mullein oil is a great alternative to prescription ear drops. Garlic is a potent anti-microbial that combats the infection and provides pain relief. Mullein flowers have demonstrated antiviral actions as well as being successful in reducing inflammation, softening earwax, stimulating circulation in the ear, and also calming the auditory nerves thereby easing irritation and pain in the ear.  Ear infections can be painful and uncomfortable, but this natural herbal remedy will support the body and help it heal. (more…)

Digestive Wellness Herbs

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

There are many herbs for nourishing the digestive system.  Use this guide to find the right plants that will help your body cleanse and repair.



These soothing, anti-inflammatory herbs help support the mucus membrane that lines your intestines, thereby promoting intestinal integrity and supporting the body’s defense against pathogens and disease.

Marshmallow, slippery elm, plantain, comfrey, irish moss

Indications: acid reflex, gastritis, peptic ulceration, enteritis, colitis

Cautions: congestive bronchial or excess mucous conditions


Health Benefits of Cilantro

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Cilantro as a Powerful Detoxifying Herb

Cilantro is not only a potent flavor enhancer in your meals, but also a powerful herb full of nutrients that support your body in metabolizing toxins and maintaining health!

Recent research studies have confirmed cilantro reduces cholesterol and oxidative damage, while also regulating blood pressure. Research also suggests that the volatile oils found in cilantro leaves may have antimicrobial properties.

Cilantro can help mobilize toxins (most notably heavy metals like mercury) out of storage and into the blood stream so that the body can excrete them. The chemical compounds in cilantro actually bind to the heavy metals, loosening them from the tissues, blood and organs. Cilantro’s chemical compounds then aid to transport these harmful substances out of the body through elimination. (more…)

Nutrient Profile: Sulfur

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Health Benefits of Sulfur
Broccoli, onions and other members of the cruciferous and allium vegetable families contain high amounts of phytonutrients called isothiocyanates. These compounds help the liver detoxify harmful, often cancer-causing chemicals. One sulfur compound in particular, called sulforathane, increases live enzymes that quench free radicals and therefore prevents cellular and genetic damage.  Another sulfur compound, indol-3-carbinol, has been studied to suppress breast cancer growth and prevent metastasis. Cruciferous and other sulfur containing vegetables are also known to protect the eyes against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. For a quick and easy way to add sulfur-rich veggies to your diet, lightly steam broccoli and onion and toss with olive oil, garlic, lemon, and salt and pepper.

Home Gardening

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Gardening: An Important Aspect of a Nourishing Lifestyle

Do you grow some of your own food? Have you wanted to start but just have not been able to for one reason or another? Now is a great time to start! A nourishing lifestyle is not only about eating well, it’s about living well. And growing and cultivating your own food has so many benefits for your health (and your wallet). Get your whole family involved and transform your yard into a garden and haven for beneficial insects and especially for bees!


Tips to Improve Mental Health and Avoid Alzheimer’s

Monday, July 15th, 2013

In the United States, Alzheimer’s disease is currently at epidemic proportions, with 5.4 million Americans—including one in eight people aged 65 and over—living with the disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association’s .

By 2050, this is expected to jump to 16 million, and in the next 20 years, it is projected that Alzheimer’s will affect one in four Americans, rivaling the current prevalence of obesity and diabetes.

There is still no known cure for this devastating disease, and very few treatments. Alzheimer’s drugs are often of little to no benefit at all, which underscores the importance of prevention throughout your lifetime.

While memory loss is indeed common among Westerners, it is NOT a “normal” part of aging, and cognitive changes are by no means inevitable. Research repeatedly suggests the best hope for patients lies in prevention through optimal diet, exercise and staying socially and mentally active. (more…)

Top 5 Supplements for Whole Wellness

Monday, April 1st, 2013

One of the most common questions I get from my clients is about supplements.  Do we need to take them?  What brand?  How do I know what to take?  What supplements are good for general wellness?

I have listed 5 great supplements that can provide a foundational support for your health.  However, you may need different or additional nutrients, depending on your unique health status, history, and environment. (more…)

Nourish Your Body for the Winter Season

Monday, February 4th, 2013

Although it is not too cold in Southern California right now, we are in the middle of winter.  Eating warming, nourishing foods during this time of year can help support your organ systems that are under stress from the cooler temperatures.  What foods are good for the winter?

Meats: beef, pork, chicken, goat, shellfish, organ meats, nitrate-free preserved meats

Beans: all dried beans, especially adzuki and black beans

Fruits: lemons, oranges, kumquats, grapefruits, and other citrus, pomegranates, kiwi, and dried fruits

Vegetables: Brussels sprouts, cabbage (especially fermented), celery root, collard greens, endive, escarole, kale, kolrabi, leeks, onions, parsnips, radishes, rutabagas, sea vegetables, turnips, winter squash

Grains: barley, rice, millet, oats, dark varieties of quinoa

Herbs, Spices, Condiments: ginger, sea salt, miso, tamari, and pickled vegetables

One thing to keep in mind is quality: always strive for finding organic foods and grass-fed or free-range for animal foods. Notice that all of these foods are whole foods and if you buy organic, they will be free of toxins and promote healthy weight management.

The Inflammation-Toxin-Obesity Connection

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

Excess body weight, specifically adipose (fat) tissue, increases toxic storage and endotoxin production.  Adipose tissue is not metabolically active, in that it does not use and produce energy. However, in excess, adipose tissue is considered an endocrine organ because large amounts produce inflammatory cytokines and can wreak havoc on the body.


How to Choose High Quality Supplements

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013


Knowing what supplements you should take for your optimal health can be incredibly complicating, especially with all of the different types of products out there.  But not only do you have to worry about what nutrients to take, you must also be extremely inquisitive about the quality of your supplements.  Unfortunately, there are many poor quality supplement on the market today.  These products may be ineffective, contain toxic ingredients, may potentially contribute or exacerbate your conditions instead of help them, and ultimately they will be a waste of your money.

So how do you choose what is right for you?  Consult a qualified health care practitioner who can recommend what types of nutrients specific to your body and your current health conditions to get the best value out of your supplementation.  Only then will you be able to benefit from the healing power of nutritional supplements.  This article will highlight some important factors to consider when choosing your supplements.


To Eat Meat or Not to Eat Meat?

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013


Recently one of my clients asked me my thoughts on both the vegan diet (plant-only) and the GAPS diet, which is an omnivorous diet for restoring mental health, immune health, and digestive health.  It was such a great question I thought I would elucidate my comments in this article.  Here are my thoughts:

There is no diet that is right for all people, because everyone is different, with different histories, different lifestyles and exercise practices, and different environments (the holistic approach considers all of these factors).  Different life stages and health conditions call for different nutrient needs as well, so changing the diet throughout life is also key to optimal health! (more…)

Probiotics Help Bolster Immunity and Support Overall Wellness

Monday, December 31st, 2012

Did you know that you have about 3-4lbs of microorganisms in your colon that you cannot survive without?  These symbiotic microorganisms are intimately linked with your wellness.

Your  diet, medications, lifestyle, environment and shape the composition of the different microbial communities in your GI tract and body.  The microflora in the intestine has even been collectively considered an organ because of their ability to support the immune system, regulate intestinal health, support healthy metabolism, and contribute to overall health and wellness.


More Than 3,000 Epigenetic Switches Control Daily Metabolism

Monday, December 17th, 2012


Circadian rhythms do more than just make us sleepy at night.  These rhythms affect our individual organs, even our genes. Circadian cycles affect nearly every living organism, including plants, bacteria, insects, and humans. In fact, there are over 3,000 epigenomic elements that regulate the circadian cycles of about 15,000 genes in humans.

The liver is one of the most important organs of the body: it is responsible for over 13,000 biochemical reactions, regulating everything from filtering ingested food, detoxifying harmful chemicals, producing glycogen (stored glucose) and synthesizing compounds like cholesterol.


Reverse Multiple Sclerosis by eating the Paleo Diet, increasing vitamin D, and avoiding artificial food additives

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, degenerative disease of the nerves in the brain and spine.  The disease causes the body to attack an insulating substance around nerve cells called myelin.  When the myelin is damaged, the function of the nerves deteriorate, resulting in symptoms such as muscle weakness, imbalance or loss of coordination, vision loss, and tremors.  Research is now showing that the disease can be reversed by adopting a paleolithic diet (primarily meat, veggies, and nuts), optimizing vitamin D levels, and avoiding artificial ingredients, especially aspartame.

While the exact cause of MS is still largely unknown, it is now understood that environmental factors play a large role in the development of this degenerative disease.  Diet is one of the most important ways for individuals with MS to control and reverse their disease.  The Paleo Diet, consisting of organic, whole foods from grass-fed meats, vegetables (sea and land), fermented foods, and nuts, is packed with nutrients that protect the nervous system and immune system. The Paleo Diet is high in B vitamins, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids (animal based EPA and DHA) that support myelin growth and repair.


Health Risks of Chewing Gum

Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Why Chewing Gum is Bad for Your Teeth
(and Overall Health)

Chewing gum is not a healthy habit!  Gum products contain artificial ingredients and preservatives that not only contribute to poor dental health, but also contribute to numerous health conditions and diseases.

Artificial food additives are the culprit
Artificial sweeteners and sugar-free foods have been linked with tooth erosion.  Two main artificial sweeteners are sucralose and aspartame.  Sucralose is carcinogenic, toxic to the liver, causes birth defects, and damages the immune system.  Aspartame is a potent neurotoxin releases methanol in the body.  Methanol is dangerous because it breaks down into two toxic compounds, formic acid and formaldehyde.  It is liked with digestive issues, migraines, depression, and even diabetes.


Heal Cancer Naturally with Nutrition and a Balanced Lifestyle

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012


What I Learned at the 2012 Healing Cancer World Summit

I attended this year’s Healing Cancer World Summit and learned some really empowering information about cancer and how it is not an incurable disease.  Here is a list of the key points I heard at this wonderful online event hosted by Kevin Gianni.

Want to learn how to heal your body of all degenerative disease?  Lifestyle medicine is the answer!

Cancer is just bits of yourself, gone wrong.  Changing your external environment will change your internal environment and make your body uninhabitable to cancer.

Nature heals. (more…)

Food Combining for Better Digestion

Monday, November 12th, 2012

Digest Your Food With Ease!

One of the fundamental aspects of a nourishing lifestyle is to maximize your body’s ability to digest and assimilate nutrients.  Eating foods in combinations that promote optimal digestion empowers your body to use the nutrients to fuel biochemical reactions that promote health and wellness, rather than create inflammation, malabsorption, weakened intestinal wall, and an open door to infection and disease.


Why Eating Sugar is Unhealthy

Monday, November 5th, 2012

Does Sugar Decrease Your Health?
Yes! Because of Advanced Glycation End-Products

 The more sugar you eat, the more it coats the surface of cell membranes, causing life-changing damage.  One of the main issues with sugar consumption is a process called glycation.  The sugar creates cross links between cellular parts (usually proteins) that are normally mobile.  Unfortunately, all cellular activity is impaired when this occurs.  Moreover, cross-linking prevents white blood cells and other cells from getting to the location they are trying to go, thus disrupting chemical messages from being transmitted.  As you can imagine, this creates impaired function throughout the body.


Minerals for Blood Sugar Regulation

Monday, November 5th, 2012

Are You Mineral Deficient?

Minerals are crucial elements of the biological processes that govern blood sugar metabolism in the body.  Individuals with blood sugar imbalances and diabetes often exhibit mineral deficiencies and have a weakened ability to regulate glucose levels.  Supplementing with high quality, bioavailable minerals improves the body’s ability to modulate glucose levels and can be extremely therapeutic for individuals with deficiencies.

To reduce inflammation and oxidative damage, key antioxidants and minerals are key to fighting these inflammatory and destructive reactions. Therefore, individuals with mineral deficiencies should supplement their diet in order to restore optimal vitamin and mineral levels, thus controlling oxidative damage and inflammation.  Minerals are especially important for reducing the occurrence of comorbid conditions common in diabetic individuals such as pancreatic insufficiency, renal disease, neuropathy, and retinopathy.

Minerals are also required for proper insulin function.  Insulin is the hormone that brings blood glucose into cells and therefore lowers blood glucose levels.  Of primary importance to glucose metabolism, inflammation, free radical scavenging, and immune health are the minerals zinc, magnesium, chromium, manganese, vanandium, and copper. 


The Gut-Brain Connection: Nutrition and Mental Health

Monday, October 15th, 2012

Food has a Direct Effect on our Mental Health

The gut-brain connection is a very real and very active line of communication and analysis in the body.  There are over 100 million neurons in the digestive system that produce as many neurotransmitters as the brain (Holford, 2009, p.16)!  Our brain and gut are in constant communication, which is why foods have a direct effect on our moods and behaviors.


Role of the Autonomic Nervous System

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Involuntary Homeostatic Controls Regulate Our Health!

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis within the body.  The actions of the ANS occur independent of our consciousness, as these involuntary functions (such as breathing and heart contractions) are required for survival.


Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Holistic Approach

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease is a condition in which the body’s immune system dysfunctions and confuses “self” with “non-self.”  The immune system begins attacking the body’s own cells.  Any tissue or organ of the body can be targeted.  Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder that primarily effects synovial joints of the body (i.e. hands, shoulder, knee, elbow).  The disorder involves a deterioration of healthy synovial fluid in between bones, leading to a painful inflammatory response in the affected joint and can often lead to systemic inflammation over time (William C. Shiel Jr., 2011).


Belly Breathing: Longevity in Just 15 Minutes a Day

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Have you ever heard the proverbial phrase, “stop and smell the roses”? Taking time to relax and refocus is a fantastic age-defiant habit that complements any nourishing lifestyle.

Stress management techniques are absolutely essential for people with high-stress lifestyles.  Prolonged stress can lead to fatigue, weakened immunity, higher risk for other diseases, depression, and even insomnia. This is perhaps one of the most important manifestations of the mind-body connection.

Diaphragmatic breathing is a great way to rest, relax, de-stress, and even reduce your blood pressure!


Do you ache all over? Tired? Can’t sleep? You can heal your body with nutrition!

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome of the muscles that affects major control areas of the body and can therefore manifest as a myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms.  People have widespread pain in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue areas.  In addition to pain, people with fibromyalgia also suffer from digestive problems and insomnia. 


NSAIDS: Why You Shouldn’t Take Advil

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

NSAIDS stands for “non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs” and they are not healthy options for pain management.

They are common over-the-counter pain medications that reduce pain and inflammation.  Unfortunately, they also have detrimental side effects.  They inhibit an enzyme system called cyclooxygenase (COX).  These enzymes are involved in the production of prostaglandins, messenger molecules that respond to inflammation in the body.


Osteoporosis: The Holistic Approach to Strong Bones

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Bones cycle through periods of growth and breakdown throughout the course of your life.  By our mid-20’s bones begin to lose their ability to regrow and are more prone to breaking down.

What Leads To Osteoporosis?

Eating an acidic, inflammatory diet including caffeine, alcohol, soda, refined sugar, processed foods, a high-salt diet, a meat-based (high protein) diet, and a low vegetable diet can all contribute to bone thinning.  Eating foods you are allergic to can also lead to bone loss because your gastrointestinal system will be inflamed and have increased permeability (more, larger molecules and pathogens can pass undigested into the blood stream) which in turn increases the acidity of the blood and draws alkaline nutrients out of the bone.  Moreover, malabsorption can lead to nutrient deficiencies that can inhibit bone regrowth.


The Health Benefits of Chocolate

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

How to Eat Chocolate Guilt-Free

Chocolate can be a small part of your healthy diet, but it can also lead to disease if consumed in excess or in a processed form.  Nutritious chocolate cannot be found in the junk food isle of the grocery store!  I’m not talking about Twix, Hershey’s, Milky Way, Reese’s, or any of the other typical chocolate bars.  Instead I am talking about the natural, bitter form of chocolate: cacao beans!


Pregnancy Nutrition: before, during, and after the baby

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Nutritional Guidelines For Those Thinking of Pregnancy

Recent research has discovered the nutrient environment of a growing fetus and baby significantly impacts genetic expression. Overall health and risk of disease are in part dependent on the mother’s health and nutrient intake before, during, and after pregnancy.  Just as nutrition is important to growing kids and adults, so to is it critical for the first weeks, months, and years of development.  (more…)

Calculating Caloric Needs

Sunday, January 8th, 2012


Calculating your caloric needs is in part based on you Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy (calories) needed to keep a person alive.  That includes a person’s heart beat, lungs movements, brain function, tissue processes, and body temperature.  When a person exerts themselves beyond these basic measures energy expenditure increases.  Even intensely exercising for a short amount of time can increase caloric needs. The quantity and quality of food you eat, water you consume, and heat your body produces all affect your BMR. (more…)

What You Need to Know About Your Microwave

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

 Microwaves are low energy waves that rapidly heat your food by a process called dielectric heating.  A magnetron is a high-powered vacuum tube that generates microwaves by subjecting electrons to magnetic and electrical fields to produce an electromagnetic field with a microwave frequency of 2.4 gigaHertz.

 The waves bounce through the food and cause water molecules, which are bipolar, to resonate at very high frequencies.  The movement of the water molecules creates molecular friction and heats up your food.

This process alters the chemical structure of the food.  Significant antioxidant damage has been found in microwaved food.  Moreover, microwave radiation alters your food producing unique molecules into the food called radiolytic compounds. Radiolytic compounds are mutations that are unknown to the natural world.  These substances lead to deterioration of your blood and immune system.  By microwaving your food, you not only severely decrease the nutrient content of the food, but you also introduce toxic substances into your body.  One woman actually died in 1991 after receiving a blood transfusion that had been warmed in the microwave. (more…)

Basic Dietary and Lifestyle Guidelines

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Take Charge of Your Health!

Ready to make some changes but not sure where to start? Take a look at one of these recommendations. Pick one, try it out for a week and see if you notice a change! (more…)

Sugar: The Leading Cause of Metabolic Syndrome

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Sugar is one of the leading causes of metabolic syndrome. The average American eats sugar at every meal.  Learn why even if your food is “low-fat,” it’s still making you fat!    (more…)

Why water is fundamental to a healthy diet

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Drinking pure water is a crucial factor of a healthy lifestyle.  With your body being between 60-70% water, this substance plays a fundamental role in regulating all aspects of biological activity. Being dehydrated is the root cause of countless conditions that lead to tiredness and general malaise. Are you dehydrated?  (more…)

Your Genes and Your Lifestyle-Take Control of Your Health

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

Your genes do not have to dictate your health.  You may not be able to completely get rid of genes, but you can modify their expression through diet and lifestyle.  Decisions that you make every day influence your genetic makeup, up-regulating certain genes while down-regulating others.  Do you want your genes working with you or against you?  (more…)

Acid and Anabolic, Neutral, or Alkaline and Catabolic?

Saturday, November 12th, 2011

The food you eat, the meals you prepare, and the overall dietary system you follow can be classified in a particular dietary direction.  Dietary direction indicates where on the continuum a particular food, meal, or diet lands: anabolic and acidic, neutral, or catabolic and alkaline.  The direction is an indication of the food’s metabolic effect on your body, not of the food itself.  Dietary direction is largely influenced by your distribution of the macronutrients carbohydrates, protein, and fat.  Alkaline, catabolic diets are very cleansing and very high in carbohydrates.  A neutral diet has a more balanced macronutrient distribution.  Acidic, anabolic diets contain lots of protein and are building and restorative diets.


The Pros and Cons of a Vegan Diet

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

A vegan diet has many health benefits, but it can also deteriorate health as well.  Having a good understanding of the benefits as well as the dangers will help you make the healthiest dietary choices in accordance with your biochemical individuality.  (more…)

Sugar Glycation-another reason not to eat too much sugar!

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

When you eat sugar candy, do you notice how the sugar sticks to your teeth? This is the result of a process called glycation.  Once sugars are dissolved in water, the molecules form chemical bonds with other molecules, namely proteins.  These bonds are easily broken, but if they are exposed to hot temperatures and remain intact for long periods of time, these bonds become more and more difficult to break due to oxidation reactions.  Advanced glycation end products (AGE’s) wreak havoc on your body.  AGE’s make you age faster.  (more…)

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Do you have food allergies, digestive distress, environmental toxicity, acne, or eczema? You may have a leaky gut! Read more to learn what happened and how to heal yourself.  (more…)

The Harmful Effects of Sugar

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Consuming refined sugar and processed foods will damage your intestinal lining and prevent healthy absorption.  This can cause a myriad of health problems throughout your body:

  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Inflammation throughout your body, especially in joints, join pain
  • increased allergies
  • Poor digestion: gas, constipation and diarrhea
  • Increased intestinal permeability (which allows big, toxic and foreign molecules to enter our blood stream, resulting in inflammation and other immune-related problems)
  • Obesity
  • Weakened immunity, depression, anxiety
  • Tooth decay
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria in the gut (Dysbiosis)
  • Increased frequency/severity of bad moods
  • Loss of tissue elasticity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis


My food is irradiated!?

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

There have been concerns about the negative effects of having too many x-rays, but never any concern that the majority of food we eat is been exposed to radiation far greater (up to 4 million times greater) than the amount used in x-rays.

Who would ever think that irradiating food wouldn’t negatively effect our health? Well I was reading, Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine by Dr. Robert Schmid and I found out that it was a conglomeration of the National Food Processors Association, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and several congressional representatives that legalized food irradiation.

Why did they think this was a good idea? Well food irradiation preserves food by killing insects, bacteria and fungi on grains and seeds and extends the shelf-life of fresh produce. Extending the shelf-life means more money for those involved in food production and distribution. (more…)

Cooking with Vegetable Oils

Friday, September 30th, 2011

In addition to being conscientious about the foods we eat, we must also consider the methods of processing and preparation.  For years I have believed that vegetable oils are “heart healthy” and the “better fat” but now I am not so convinced.  First of all, oil is not a whole food: it has been extracted from a nut or a seed and in most cases stripped of it’s beneficial nutrients.  (more…)

Forks over Knives, a 2011 documentary

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

I just watched a new documentary called Forks over Knives that advocates a whole foods, plant-based diet. It focuses on the careers and life-long research of a physician named Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and a nutritional biochemist, Dr. Colin Campbell.

The research and success stories in this movie are overwhelmingly convincing that a whole foods, plant-based diet is the best diet for your health. Eating these healthy, natural, unprocessed, unrefined, and chemical-free foods is the best way to proactively prevent disease and even to reverse chronic disease if you have it already.  (more…)

Biochemical Individuality

Monday, September 19th, 2011

The foundation of holistic nutrition lies in recognizing that every individual has a unique biochemical composition. An individual’s environmental situation, genetic makeup, and nutritional intake dictates their health.  It is important to realize that dietary generalizations are only guidelines to ensure people do not suffer from nutrient deficiencies, but do not promote optimal nutrition and well-being.

This philosophy is the core of holistic health and nutrition. I hope everyone realizes the significance of this fundamental element of holistic nutrition and honors their bioindividuality in order to find optimal health and wellness.


Monday, September 19th, 2011

Welcome to holisticnourishment! It is here that I plan to share the benefits of eating a whole foods, plant-based diet.  I am pursuing a M.S. from Hawthorn University and I plan to document my journey of becoming a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist.   I hope the information I share enlightens and empowers people to make healthier decisions for themselves and the planet.

To get started, check out this amazing documentary about the interconnectedness of your health and the environment: